(707) 575-5551 info@leadingedgesalon.com

Leading Edge Hair Salon Covid-19 Procedures

The new normal in caring for you!

These new Covid-19 procedures and measures are implemented by Sonoma County and are temporary until we can get back to the high standards you have come to expect from us.

  1. All guests will receive a temperature reading. Guests with abnormal temperature readings will need be rescheduled.

  2. Please come alone. No additional guests or children are allowed at your appointment.

  3. Text us when you arrive, (707) 575-5551. We will let you know when your stylist is ready before you enter salon.

  4. Practice social distancing & no-touch greetings. Please maintain at least 6 feet distance from other guests.

  5. Hand sanitizer will be provided upon your arrival and throughout your salon visit. Gloves are also available at your request.

  6. All staff & salon guests must wear masks (looped behind the ear). If you don’t have your own mask one will be provided for you.

  7. Due to county regulations, hand & shoulder massages will not be offered.

  8. We are also not allowed to serve beverages at this time.

We sincerely appreciate your support.

Please be patient with us as we make these necessary adjustments.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us